Yuck! No wonder I feel like a cow out to pasture! I know my new way of eating is going to make me feel spectacular and full of energy, but in my head I keep saying "only 2 more free eating days left" I am looking at this new way of eating as a prison sentence. Why? Why do a lot of us play this mental game in our head. (I say "us" because I know I am not the only one:))
Why do we think that healthy eating is so horrible? I was always the person that said that is was not the ads that made people eat processed food it was the person. This was their own fault that they did this to themselves. Now I am the person that needs a excuse for my weight gain. It has to be all the processed food not the actual amount. The processed food manufacturer is the only one to blame!
I need to change my mind set! This is the hard part. I love my cookies, cake, chips and diet soda. Yeah Yeah I know...MODERATION! I can't have them in moderation because as soon as I taste just a little bit I am off on a binge that can last for weeks. It will be all I want to eat. Some of you know what I am talking about.
So since I am at the height of a binge I am going to write down all of the symptoms I am currently having and them I am going to review that at the end of my 30-days to see if I am still experiences any of these symptoms.
Hopefully I will be able to enjoy a small amount of sweets at a time without binging, but once my 30-days start I will be abstaining from anything that is processed beyond recognition.
So here is the list:
1. Insomnia or waking many times during the night.
2. Headaches
3. Dull knee pain-they feel numb
4. Bloated
5. Constipated
6. Zits!
7. Tired all the time
8. Crabby
9. Not motivated to do anything but sit on my butt!
10. Missing out on fun things because I am feeling fat!
I encourage you to make your own list and then try the 30-day of whole foods with me. We can compare notes:)
Stay Tuned